Day One - Why

Shakespeare once said, “If you write it down, it will live forever.” Well, I’ve decided to write it down. And with the Internet, it will definitely live forever. Because, as our parents have been telling us for years, “Be careful what you post on the ‘Net because nothing ever really gets deleted. It just sits there, waiting for some prospective employer, or girlfriend, or college admissions officer to find it. And then you’re totally fucked.” But alas, I’m writing it down anyway.

As I once told a good friend, I’ve gotten to a point in my life where I really don’t care what people think. I mean outside of my kids, who are still somewhat impressionable, why should I? If I can make you laugh, or cry, or just think, then I’ve done my job. If I offend you, or piss you off, or make you cringe, then don’t listen (or read). Honestly, I’m writing this because it’s just something I want to do. And I can’t think of a better reason for doing it.

I’m also writing this because if I don’t, I won’t forgive myself. Every single day things occur to me that make me laugh, sometimes want to cry, and definitely think. Sometimes those things are offensive (even to me), and yes, they sometimes make me cringe. But I won’t keep them to myself any longer.

So I welcome you to “An Act of Revision.” If you’re wondering, the title comes from a quote by my favorite author, John Irving: “Half my life is an act of revision.” Those words struck a chord in me because, at the tender age of 49, I am still revising mine. Every minute of every day of every year. We all are, whether or not we even realize it.

So if you want a chuckle or two, are willing to put up with some bad grammar (and bad language), then I invite you to pay attention. I may not update often, but then again, I may update every day. I may be serious, but will certainly be flippant. And most of all, and this is a promise, I will be me.


smokebombthrower said…
First comment. I'm definitely flippant.
andrew spark said…
So far I like the tweets better

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